Learning Unity for beginner


A couple of weeks ago, I’ve started working and learning Unity (a 3D game engine) and I thought I should share my experience with you guys, I’m still learning and there is a lot of topics that I should read.

However, my experience before starting with Unity was mobile development and 2D games (Cocos2d and AndEngine), so, there was zero experience with 3D and it’s concept. There is a main keywords that everyone gonna learn Unity should know. Here we start with them:

  • Meshes: it’s the actual model with it’s vertex and points that form the model.
  • Textures: it’s the image that will cover your meshes, it’s the same as the textures in 2D gaming development.
  • Materials: It’s the shader that you use to specify the appearances of the object.
  • Shaders: It’s the way that the texture will appear and act in the object, like if you want the texture to be transparent, has a reflection, to be customised.

these are the main items that you should be aware and understand them correctly and to be honest, you will have a better understanding when you deal with them, I’ve beed reading a lot of articles and books regarding these topic, but without dealing with them and working on them, you will never understand them correctly/fully.

Finally, I would like to share with you some of the tutorials site that I’ve found them useful:

  1. The documentation of Unity.
  2. Unity channel on Youtube.com.
  3. Mobile Tuts.

And don’t forget to use Stack Overflow for any problem you face along side with Unity Community.

Be toned for my next post, I will talk about the problems that I’ve faced and how I resolved them.

Hope you enjoyed and found something useful for you.